企業異業合作 ~ 台灣好茶4
默圖國際有限公司 104 台北市中山區建國北路三段92號2樓
在一個樂齡課程教師聚會中,瞭解到有個在地製茶師傅想要自創品牌,為了實踐所學的「在地創生」理念,觸發了這次的合作機會。經過多次的實地探訪、線上會議...計劃逐漸成形,台灣好茶-在地創生案於是啟動。任何事情在一開始都是不容易卻也很簡單協,重要的是開始動起來。企業在一開始要讓消費者認識,Logo及企業識別很重要,但一個位處藍海中資本不大的新創品牌,利用有限的資源外,專業就很重要,專業夠才具市場競爭力。※『SaymeTea 茶250』4大特點.專業製茶師傅親手做:製茶流程的專業與用心,從茶湯的顏色及香味喝得出來!.自己種植照顧的茶園:珍惜大自然好山好水孕育出來的茶葉,沒有任何添加物,是純粹的甘甜!.專業知識不藏私的愛:趙師傅對原葉原味茶的愛,可以從讓人感動的製茶用心程度看出!.熱愛台灣的在地精神:嚴謹的製茶程序與專業的茶菁辨識,讓不同季節、氣候下產出的茶都能呈現最好的風味!                  ***** 認識 專業製茶師- 趙師傅 *****  SaymeTea 茶250-----------------------------At a recent gathering of teachers, I was made aware that a local tea maker was interested in launching his own company. In order to implement the practice of supporting local creations, we decided to collaborate on a project. We held several on-site visits and had many online meetings, eventually leading us to the creation of the "台灣好茶" project.The process of getting the collaboration started was met with a rough start; despite some difficulties, we persisted. We knew that successful marketing, including an alluring logo and corporate identity were pertinent to a new compayn. However, a new, local brand that is located on a small island country with limited resources undoubtedly needed a lot of expertise in order to be competitive in the current competitive market. https://www.motunica.com/hot_441495.html 企業異業合作 ~ 台灣好茶 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默圖國際有限公司 104 台北市中山區建國北路三段92號2樓 https://www.motunica.com/hot_441495.html
默圖國際有限公司 104 台北市中山區建國北路三段92號2樓 https://www.motunica.com/hot_441495.html
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Nica老師 Youtube 分享禪繞畫及和諧粉彩學習及創作 ~~~ 請記得到Youtube Nica繪心室 頻道, 訂閱並開啟小鈴鐺, 就會收到新上架影片的通知喔! ~~~ 商務合作及課程問題, 歡迎聯繫 service@motunica.com 服務專線 ~~~



※『SaymeTea 茶250』4大特點

f1edf7f1d5200e0a8029f824b7141562.jpg  8a4335decd1a3d09d9fc50283720a09b.jpg   


***** 認識 專業製茶師- 趙師傅 *****  SaymeTea 茶250


At a recent gathering of teachers, I was made aware that a local tea maker was interested in launching his own company. In order to implement the practice of supporting local creations, we decided to collaborate on a project. We held several on-site visits and had many online meetings, eventually leading us to the creation of the "台灣好茶" project.

The process of getting the collaboration started was met with a rough start; despite some difficulties, we persisted. We knew that successful marketing, including an alluring logo and corporate identity were pertinent to a new compayn. However, a new, local brand that is located on a small island country with limited resources undoubtedly needed a lot of expertise in order to be competitive in the current competitive market.
